Coming Together as One People

Ellen J. Barrier/
Author/Spirituality Counselor
We are one as a people, because we are created by one creator. Therefore, we need to come together as one people. We are not defined by belief, or by faith, nor religion. We are one people belonging to one family. The "Family of God"

Personally, I don't like titles and categories. I feel they separate people. I want Barrier's Books & Associates to not be labeled with categories. I want it to be a place where everyone will be free to come and participate and share with us. God has allowed us to be able to connect with people worldwide for his purpose, to bring us together as his family.

We are not defined by belief, or by faith nor religion. We are one people belonging to one family. That is the "Family of God" We are one as a people, because we are created by one creator. Therefore, we need to bond together as one people. 

Barrier's Books & Associates' goal is to bring people from all nations, together as one people. Our position is not to sit in a judgmental position, because no human being has been given that position. Neither is anyone qualified to judge another. Therefore, we welcome everyone to come and enjoy all of the things Barrier's Books & Associates have to offer, and share their skills with us on our Blogs and Websites.

These are my specialties: (They allow me to connect with others)

Published Author
Marketing Skills 
Medical Professional
Product Consultant
Performing Arts
Recording Artist
Spiritual Counselor
Creative Writing 
Public Speaking
Fashion Designing

Barrier's Health and Fitness Website:

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