The New Christians

If Christianity is defined by those who are wearing the fake title, it should be considered as a No-Holds-Barred-Life style-Religion.

These are the ones who are filled with hate and condemnation for others. They have written their own bible, and included within it violence. In their religion, they believe they are doing God’s work for him.

Within that vein of belief, they have chosen to remove from society those who they judge to be different from them. They have been found Guilty of Murdering Innocent People. Those who are righteous, condemn this behavior. God's work is not fake.

__ Ellen J. Barrier
Author/Spiritual Counselor

When Hate and Fear Connects the Results are Disastrous

Hate invites fear into the mind of individuals, causing them to lose all senses of reality. At which point, they have lost the feeling to like or to care for others. For some, life is useless to them, and dying in their mind, would release them from the demons living within them.

Recently, we have heard of, and some have watched the deaths of many others, whose lives have been taken at the hands of those who no longer cared about others. My heart is broken, and my soul weeps for those who have lost their love ones, and for the lives that have been taken because of this evil that lurks in the darkness, that has identified itself as “Fear”

Why do I refer to darkness? There are those who have said that the people who committed such act “never portrayed any unusual behavior and were very nice people.” Perhaps, that is what they saw. But it was a mental illusion. Those demons were there tormenting that person and giving instructions to destroy lives.

 Killed because of skin coloring, faith, or for any reason, is cause for alarm

Very recently, a young Muslim male was killed because he drove his vehicle into the driveway of a white male. The man along with others only wanted to back out of the driveway, and be on the way to their destination.  Testimony revealed that the victim pleaded with the murderer to allow him to turn his vehicle around. But the white male refused to allow him to do so, and shot him instead. His reason for the murder of an innocent man was “fear”

A young black male, wearing a hoodie was killed by a neighborhood watchman of a different nationality.
The motive for the killing was "fear"              

Point Made on a Personal Note:

I have lots of friends international. When many of my followers saw some Muslims names and photos, they dismissed me. Why?  It is hate. Unfortunately, we live in a world where some people will dismiss those who they no longer want to be friends with, because they don’t like their friends.

 I posted a notice on my Social Media Networks where this occurred, stating I will stand by my friends. I will not turn my back on my friends under any circumstance. I consider those who dismissed me as their friend, because of my friends who they don’t like, were never my friends. They did us all a favor.

I don’t choose my friends by color, race, religion, or gender. Nor by any standard do I judge them. I’m honored having them for my friends. “Stand by Me” is the thing I will value for my friends. Because I want them to know, I will always be with them in spirit.

To My Friends:
In my garden, you are one single rose, but as my friend, you are my world.
__ Ellen J. Barrier

The Lord is My Shepherd

The writer of Psalm 23rd, was a shepherd. In his very young years, he cared for his family's sheep. Being that he knew how much work it took to keep the sheep safe from harm, properly fed and cared for, he was able to apply that same analogy to how God took care of him.

 We too, can relate to what he means in the analogy he gave. In the part where he noted how God prepared a table before him in the presence of  his enemies, is amazingly impressive how God works  in  favor of those who trust him, as their shepherd.

God allows those who are waiting to see their prediction of failure come about upon those who trust him, to see instead, his people with great success and prosperity, in good health and happiness! During the times of hardship and trials of tribulations, our enemies look and anticipate us to fail, and give up. But, when God comes to our defense, and bring us through those though times undefeated, in the face of our enemies, we declare VICTORY! Because the battle has been won.
Our God is amazingly wonderful!
__ Ellen J. Barrier/Spiritual Counselor

I Am Stronger Than That!

Ellen J. Barrier
Author/Spirituality Counselor

In my life there have been and continues to remain tough challenges to face, each challenge comes with its own powerful force. I have to depend upon another force within me, to know that, I am stronger than that particular force, or those forces that are fighting against me.

I’m often confronted with the same temptations as others are. I have to pray frequently and know that there is a weakness within my flesh that I can never allow to surface, and that I am stronger than those weaknesses, to yield to temptations, or to be defeated by any challenge that confronts me.

My business includes several other lines of interests in marketing as well as Spirituality. Therefore, I’m a follower and a leader.  These two positions place me in the role of accountability to a power that is beyond all human mentality. It requires me to be the person I have to be, and not the person that I need to be. There is no wiggle room in this role of leadership.  

Needing to be the leader I’m required to be, would mean that I’m not performing at the level that is expected of me.  Having to be the leader that God wants me to be, means I’m doing my best to meet his requirements. Being a follower keeps me humble, and disallows room for unacceptable behavior in the treatment of others, and how I view other people, regardless of who they are.

In the face of every challenge I’m confronted with, I persevere, because I am stronger than that!

__ Ellen J. Barrier

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