Has The Death Penalty Enactment Made Our Country Safer?

Ellen J. Barrier/Author/Spirituality Counselor

The government passed the Death Penalty Enactment in 1994, stating the majority of the people want this law enactment put in force, despite the fact that evidence in those states which already had the Death Penalty Enactment in force, didn't have lesser crimes. The cost for tax payers reportedly is $33,000,000,000.

Investigative Report  December, 1993:

Homicide Records Set in 22 Cities
"Many of those cities are in states that have the Death Penalty Enactment. When it comes to homicide, states with the Death Penalty Enactment, are not showing a difference in crime rate punishable by law."

There have been many debates on the Death Penalty Enactment since it has been in force. Some argue that it is immoral, some says it isn't. Some say we need it, others say we don't.
What are your thoughts on The Death Penalty Enactment?


How To Trust God When All Other Resources Have Failed
Authors: George C. Barrier Sr., & Ellen J. Barrier
ISBN: 978-0-9794043-0-6
Copyright© 1994
Book Description:  http://barriersbooks.com/bookstore.html

Barrier's Books & Associates                            
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